About me and how to get your business to the top of search engine rankings

With innovative solutions for your business to thrive. SEO experts ready to collaborate with your team to achieve extraordinary results.

About me

I am Ben Hur

My key strengths

Customised strategy.
I develop unique SEO strategies tailored to each business, maximising online growth potential.

Measurable results.
Focus on concrete metrics and detailed analysis to demonstrate the real impact of my SEO strategies.

Proven experience.
Over 7 years helping businesses improve their online visibility and increase their organic traffic.

Professional career | About me

Work experience

Certifications | About me

Google Academy
Web Analytics

SEMrush Academy
SEMrush Graduate

HubSpot Inbound Marketing Certification

Google Academy
E-Commerce Course

Google Academy
Personal Productivity in the Digital Age

Digital Marketing

Ready to take your business to the next level?

Get in touch today for a free consultation.

Schedule a 60-minute meeting where you can ask any questions you may have.